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Sunday, September 15                                                      8:00 A.M.           Worship Service with Communion

                                                                                              9:15 A.M.            Education Hour

                                                                                            10:30 A.M.            Worship Service

Monday, September 16                                                     5:30 P.M.            Bell Choir

                                                                                               6:30 P.M.            Adult Choir

Tuesday, September 17                                                     7:00 P.M.            Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 18                                            10:30 A.M.            Adult Bible Study 

                                                                                 12:30 – 4:00 P.M.            Craft Time

                                                                                              5:15 P.M.            Confirmation Class

                                                                                              6:45 P.M.            Youth Group

Thursday, September 19                                                   6:30 P.M.            Worship Service with Communion

Saturday, September 21                                                   7:00 A.M.            Men’s Group

                                                                                              8:30 A.M.            Women’s Group

Sunday, September 22                                                       8:00 A.M.           Worship Service

                                                                                              9:15 A.M.            Education Hour

                                                                                            10:30 A.M.            Worship Service with Communion



September’s Mission: This month, Good Shepherd is excited to support the Oshkosh Police K9 Kare Fund. The police K9 Program is not only an invaluable resource to the Oshkosh Police Department, it also serves as an effective tool in the protection and safety of our citizens. The Oshkosh Police Department K9 Unit is funded solely through donations from the public.


Attention Good Shepherd Fans: Team Fellowship is looking for anyone who would be interested in making a snack or dessert for Sunday Fellowship Hour. Please sign up on the sheets located in the atrium. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Scrip News: August 31st - September 27th, Kwik Trip Scrip cards will be offering an extra bonus rebate to the church. Kwik Trip gas cards will be a 9% rebate and Kwik Trip Grocery cards will be a 15% rebate instead of the regular 10%. This is a great time to stock up on cards for yourself or to give to your kids to use as they return to school. Please contact Linda, 920-252-2942, with any questions.


Super Sundae Sunday: This Sunday is Super Sundae Sunday! After worship service, please enjoy an ice cream sundae as a “thank you” for your help in supporting Missions at Good Shepherd.


Council Openings: The nominating committee is in the process of creating a slate of candidates for the Church Council positions at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. These are two-year positions and will be voted on at the October Voters' Meeting. The positions up for election are President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Evangelism, Fellowship, and Stewardship. We are also accepting interest for the Board of Youth Chair which will be a one-year position to fill a current vacancy. Please contact Kevin Konrad, 920-279-7694, no later than September 16, 2024, if you have any questions about a specific Council position listed above or if you would like to be a candidate for any of these positions.


Interested in Membership? We will be welcoming new members to Good Shepherd soon. If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out the information sheet and a New Member Packet. They are both located on the green table in the atrium.


Lutheran Layman League: The North and South Wisconsin LLL Districts invite you to come together and celebrate Energizing Mission. Learn of God’s impact in people’s lives every day at their annual convention on October 12th. Special speakers include: Dr. Kari Vo, Theological Editor & Author of LHM Daily Devotions, Dick Gast, LHM Float & Tournament of Roses Parade Presentation, and Kathy Robinson Orphan Grain Train: Wisc. Division.  Download the registration form at:


This week on Continue studying Psalm 119 on Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT) and Hosea on Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT), and join us for more stories of KFUO's 100-year history on The Coffee Hour (weekdays at 9:00 a.m. CT). Remember to mark your calendars for KFUO Radio's Centennial Celebration broadcast, October 12 at 10:00 a.m. CT! Tune in at or RSVP for the in-person event at by September 20.




Last Week at Good Shepherd…


Attendance:   Thursday: 43   Sunday 8:00: 126         Sunday 10:30: 94      Weekly Total: 263



Offerings For Week of 9/08:


  • General Fund: $7,199.00

  • Missions: $41.00

  • Strategic Fund: $30.00


Total Offerings: $7,270.00


Weekly Budget Needs at Good Shepherd:  $7,381.00


(“…So it is with you.  Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.”) -1 Corinthians 14:1




Please remember in your prayers:


Church Members:

Wayne Guy, Janet Weier & Family (on the passing of Janet’s mother, Virginia), Joni Schloesser, Sherri Groskreutz, Don Borgen, Bonnie Wenzel, Marion Fenlon, Kelly Crowe, Liz Hoversten, JoAnn Haskins, Tom Dunham, Bill Zorr, Joann Behm,  Jim & Sharron Ziemer, Sharon Leinweber, Ed Huebner, Louise Gabert, and Brenda Hawig.



Friends & Relatives of Church Members:

Linda Brehmer’s friend, Deanne Schubring; Marie; Lee Paris’ nephew & nephew’s wife; Pastor Koepsell’s mother, Lorraine; Jan Peterson’s sisters & niece & son, Scot and daughter, Paula; Ron & Chris Feutz’s grandson, Logan Feutz; Kim & Keith Reetz’s grandbaby, Tobias;  Janet Weier’s son, Adam & family; Gene & Donna Gohlke’s nephews,  Kirk and Michael, & granddaughter, Karley; and

Doug Flouro’s brother, Allan.



Those Who Want to Worship with Us But Aren’t Currently Able:

Bill & Louise Gabert, Jim Ziemer, Muriel Guy, Lee Paris, Emily Brunner, Edward Huebner, Jean Stauber, Vicki Beck, Bill Zorr, Bette Lienhard, Marge Bolding & Milt & JoAnn Haskins.



Military/Overseas Members & Their Families:

Malayna Brehmer (granddaughter of Barry & Linda Brehmer),

Ryan Weber (son of Tim & Liz Hoversten), Chris Hibben, Alycia Mueller, and Jared Rivera


*Please let Lynn Paulus, our Prayer Chain Coordinator, know when we can take you or your loved one off the prayer list 





SUNDAYS 8:00 & 10:30 AM




2450 West 9th Avenue

Oshkosh, WI 54904



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