Sunday, March 9 8:00 A.M. Worship Service
9:15 A.M. Education Hour
10:30 A.M. Worship Service with Communion
Monday, March 10 5:30 P.M. Bell Choir
6:30 P.M. Adult Choir
Tuesday, March 11 1:30 P.M. LWML Meeting
Wednesday, March 12 10:30 A.M. Lent Worship Service
5:15 P.M. Confirmation Class
5:30 – 6:15 P.M. Lenten Mission Meal
6:30 P.M. Lent Worship Service
Saturday, March 15 7:00-8:00 A.M. Men’s Group
8:30 A.M. Women’s Group
Sunday, March 16 8:00 A.M. Worship Service with Communion
9:15 A.M. Sunday School
9:45 A.M. Stained Glass Window Dedication
10:30 A.M. Worship Service
Special Voter's Meeting: Please plan on joining us on March 30th, starting at 9:30, as the Director of Christian Ministries Call Committee will present the candidates for this position and answers any questions. At that meeting we will vote on a candidate to call. It is very important that you attend so we have a quorum. Please continue to pray for this process as we seek God's will.
Super Sundae Sunday: Today is Super Sundae Sunday! After worship service, please enjoy an ice cream sundae as a “thank you” for your help in supporting Missions at Good Shepherd. This month's donations go to the Trinity Food Pantry. Last month we collected 87 pounds of donations.
Adult Bible Study: Join Tim Hoversten as heads leads an exploration of the Book of Acts. 9:15-10:15 Sunday mornings in the Choir Room.
Easy Supper: This Tuesday, 20% of all sales between 4-7:00 pm at the Oshkosh Rocky Rococo’s Pizza will go to the Good Shepherd Youth Group. You can order online, for delivery or in-restaurant. It’s easy! No need for a flyer or special code. Thank you for supporting our youth!
Stained Glass Class: Saturday, March 15 there will be stained glass classes at Good Shepherd that will be using some of the leftover glass from the new atrium stained glass windows. Participants can create either a garden stake or a window hanging. The cost is $25 and classes are 2 hours long, with a maximum of 6 people per session. There will be 4 sessions. There are just a few spots left! Signup sheets and more information are available in the atrium.
Choice Dollars: The Thrivent Choice® program encourages Thrivent benefit members to recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes an amount of its charitable grant funds. Members make this recommendation by directing where their Choice Dollars go. We would be grateful if you would consider directing some of your Choice Dollars to Good Shepherd. At this time, the donations will be going towards National Youth Gathering expenses.
Hygiene Drive: The need continues, and you are filling the needs! Thank you for your generosity to our brothers and sisters in Christ by donating needed cleaning and hygiene items to the Help4Homeless Hygiene Drive which runs through March 16, 2025. Items most needed are: Bathroom tissue, cleaning supplies, dental care, deodorant, diapers/baby care, face/bath soap, feminine care, laundry detergent, paper towels, razors, textured hair care, and trash bags. The collection box is located by the Mission of the Month Bulletin Board. Thank you for bringing love and confidence to God's children!
WATER IS LIFE! Matthew 10:42: "And if anyone brings a cup of cool water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will not lose their reward." The March 2025 Mission of the Month is Elijah Streams Clean Water Wells. Elijah Streams has funded over 350 clean water wells in 12 countries, serving over 120,000 people. Currently their main focus is on Uganda where the need is the greatest. The lack of access to clean water poses a great health risk and even death but it also poses great dangers to those tasked with fetching this unhealthy, disease-borne water. By supporting Elijah Streams in their efforts to bring clean water to those in greatest need, we can change this! Thank you for your consideration in generously supporting this month's life-saving mission! Check out the Mission of the Month bulletin board, church bulletins, Monday Morning E-Mails and the Parish Pulse for updates on how you are spreading the love and hope of Jesus!
Completed! The stained glass windows for the atrium are finished being constructed and will soon be installed. Please join us between worship services on Sunday, March 16th as Pastor Koepsell dedicates the windows. The dedication will begin around 9:45 in the atrium. Thank you to everyone who supported this beautiful endeavor. Snacks and coffee will be served
Passover Seder Evening: Have you ever attended a Seder meal? If not, consider going to Trinity Lutheran in Menasha on Friday, March 14th as they host Pastor Parvis as he explores the Jewish roots of the Last Supper. Pastor Parvis was reared in an observant Jewish family but converted to Christianity about 1991 after marrying a Lutheran. During this presentation, there will be an explanation of the Jewish roots of the Last Supper and a meal. The cost is $15 and reservations are required, 920-722-2662. To find out more, please see the poster on the bulletin board in the church atrium.
Think Spring: The Youth Group is selling hanging flower baskets and planters as a fundraiser. Information/order forms are available in the atrium and can be placed in the yellow collection box. Payment is due with the order form. Orders will be taken until Sunday, March 23, 2025. The planters/baskets will be available pick up from church by Mother's Day. Questions? Contact Sara Suwalski sarasuwalski@mac.com 920-312-8674
This Week on KFUO: On Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 a.m. CT), we continue in the book of 1 Samuel, covering chapters 21-25. Tune in to Thy Strong Word (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT) as we conclude our study of Job and begin a new study on the book of Hebrews! Save the date! KFUO's annual Sharathon is April 3rd-5th, 2025. Start, sustain, or strengthen your partnership with us during this year's giving drive! To learn more, visit: kfuo.org/sharathon.
Last Week at Good Shepherd…
Attendance: Thu: 40 Sunday 8:00: 103 10:30: 152 Total: 295
Offerings For Week of 3/02:
General Fund: $10,187.00
Missions: $71.00
Strategic: $30.00
Youth: $340.00
Total Offerings: $10,628.00
Weekly Budget Needs at Good Shepherd: $8,400.00
(“…So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.”) -1 Corinthians 14:1
Please remember in your prayers:
Church Members:
Pat Koltz, Dave Eichhorn, Roberta Purath, Donna Gohlke, Bonnie Nieforth and family with the passing of Mark, Phyllis Sasse, Howard Hoppe, Dian Sheldon, John & Brenda Hawig, Gary Schmude, Pat Koltz, JoAnn Haskins, Bill Zorr, Jim & Sharron Ziemer, Ed Huebner, and Louise Gabert
Friends & Relatives of Church Members:
Steve Bridwell’s sister, Karen; Todd Klauer’s father, Raymond; Barry & Linda Brehmer’s friend, Jeff Freund; Bill Zorr’s daughter, Cathy Spiegel; Becky Siegrist’s sister-in-law, Kris; Magdalene Steinke’s, Aunt Carrie; Linda Brehmer’s friend, Deanne Schubring; Marie; Lee Paris’ son, Andy; Pastor Koepsell’s mother, Lorraine; Jan Peterson’s sisters & niece & son, Scot and daughter, Paula; Ron & Chris Feutz’s grandson, Logan Feutz; Janet Weier’s son, Adam & family; Gene & Donna Gohlke’s nephews, Kirk and Michael, & granddaughter, Karley; and Doug Flouro’s brother, Allan.
Those Who Want to Worship with Us But Aren’t Currently Able:
Pat Koltz, Shirley & Wes Radloff, Jane Nowicki, Manette Flouro, Pastor & JoAnn Meier, Bill & Louise Gabert, Jim & Sharron Ziemer, Lee Paris, Emily Brunner, Edward Huebner, Jean Stauber, Vicki Beck, Bill Zorr, Marge Bolding & Milt & JoAnn Haskins.
Military/Overseas Members & Their Families:
Malayna Brehmer (granddaughter of Barry & Linda Brehmer), Ryan Weber (son of Tim & Liz Hoversten), and Chris Hibben
*Please let Lynn Paulus, our Prayer Chain Coordinator, know when we can take you or your loved one off the prayer list lynn@travelleaders.com